Filters and program configuration options - new in release 2.0

New configuration options, planning functionalities, bug fixes and a security fix – version 2.0
The following new functionalities, enhancements and bug fixes are included in version 2.0 of Ativo Programs:
- New configuration options for teams, programs and periods (program increments)
- New planning functionalities: inline ‘create new issue’, limit backlog length, icon row (including icon for dependency outside PI)
- New view options and filters: sprint goals, status view option, status filters
- Mandatory onboarding process for trial licenses
- Changes in default settings and naming conventions: closer alignment with Jira terminology
- Security updates, including a moderate level security vulnerability fix (“Privileged User to Privilege Elevation”)
- Multiple bug fixes
- Cosmetic changes and improvements
An onboarding meeting is now mandatory when running a trial version of Ativo Programs. more info